
Western Gateway’s Strategic Investment Plan (SIP) lists 38 regional transport proposals for the period 2025-2035. These proposals have been selected and prioritised based on their potential to cost-effectively achieve the five aims of our adopted Strategic Transport Plan.

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Sustainable growth and economy: Supporting sustainable housing and employment growth by improving connectivity to enable all parts of our region to flourish
Decarbonisation and air quality: Delivering the changes needed to reduce emissions from transport and achieve net zero carbon
Access to services and opportunities: Enabling access to services and opportunities for everyone while reducing the need to drive
Facilitating strategic north-south movement: Improving transport links from north to south to ensure prosperity and opportunity for all
Movement of goods: Easing freight movements on our strategic routes and supporting a shift to rail, coastal shipping and alternative fuels.

Our Strategic Transport Plan gives important background and context to this SIP. It can be read here.

Do you feel any of these five aims are more important than the others and should be given greater weight in our scoring?

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