About you

Please complete this section before completing the survey. Your responses to these questions will only be used to understand the broad demographic make-up of respondents.

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Email address

Tick if you’d like to be kept informed of progress on our SIP and other news and events from Western Gateway

Please tell us in what capacity you are responding to this survey


How would you describe your ethnic background?

Which of the following best describes how you think of yourself?

Are your day-to-day activities limited because of a health problem or disability which has lasted, or is expected to last, at least 12 months? Include problems due to old age?

If yes, which of these conditions best describe your health issues or disability?

For which of these purposes do you travel in the Western Gateway region regularly (at least once a week)?

Tick all that apply

Which of the following modes of transport do you use regularly (at least once a week)?

We anticipate reviewing our Strategic Investment Plan in around 12 months' time. At this time, we would like to invite proposals from a wider range of stakeholders. If you have suggestions of organisations we should contact please enter them here

Your personal information is captured, held and processed by Participatr Limited for the purposes of this project only. Participatr Limited has created and launched this engagement platform on behalf of West of England Mayoral Combined Authority, and we collectively make decisions about how personal information is captured, held, processed and analysed, meaning that we are joint data controllers for the purposes of the General Data Protection Regulation.

Your name is used to identify you as a single respondent. Your remail address is used to send you news and information about this project. Your postcode is used to analyse the broad location of respondents and will not be used to contact you in any way. All of your personal information is held in a secure database on a server located in the United Kingdom. For more information about how we use your personal information, please visit our privacy policy.