Impacts and effects

Costs of prioritised programme

The combined costs of the 38 prioritised proposals over the next 10-15 years totals an estimated £3.5 billion capital and £400 million revenue.

These costs are broken down into five-year implementation periods as follows:

  Capital, £M Revenue, £M
2025-30 1,118 109
2030-35 1,345 149
2035+ 1,104 142
Total 3,567  400

Sustainability Appraisal

A sustainability appraisal has been conducted to investigate the potential impacts of the prioritised proposals on:

  • The Environment
  • Equalities
  • Health

Overall, the appraisal identifies generally positive benefits from the proposed programme, when compared to doing nothing or pursuing reasonable alternative options. It does also identify potential issues with some of the proposals, which will need to be considered and, where possible, mitigated during further detailed development. The key positive and negative findings are summarised below and the full reports can be read here.

Environmental Impacts

Benefits Potential issues for mitigation 
Overall improvements to air quality, including in management areas, by supporting a reduction in petrol and diesel vehicle use Multiple developments could result in a cumulative loss of best and most versatile agricultural land as a result of land take
Improved access to historic environment and heritage assets across the region Ten of the options identified are within Flood Zones 1 or 2, so have the potential to affect or be affected by future climate change
Likely to have significant positive effects on the emission of greenhouse gases by supporting a shift to active and public transport Majority of options are identified as likely to have significant negative effects on designated heritage assets and/or landscapes
  Potential to have significant negative effects on biodiversity, but the impacts can only be quantified when the proposals are developed in more detail

Equalities Impacts

Benefits Potential issues for mitigation 
Benefits to older and younger travellers particularly through improvements to public transport Safety in the public realm and on public transport, particularly for vulnerable users, should be designed in to proposals
Benefits to disabled users through generalised improvements to travel environment plus specific schemes to increase accessibility Access for mobility impaired users, suitable lighting and safety matters should be maintained through construction phases
Benefits to black and ethnic minority users (who are less likely to drive) from active and public transport proposals Representatives of users with protected characteristics should be engaged in the design of proposals

Health Impacts

Benefits Potential issues for mitigation 
Increase in physical activity, particularly as a result of active and public transport proposals Safety in the public realm and on public transport, particularly for vulnerable users, should be designed in to proposals
Increased access to education, employment and other opportunities, particularly in deprived areas Some proposals have the potential to increase vehicle use which can reduce air quality and increase noise in neighbouring communities, particularly where HGV volumes increase
Proposals support the delivery and integration of good quality housing beyond the central urban areas  Large infrastructure schemes should be carefully planned and managed to avoid impeding walking, cycling and public transport during construction

Do you think the identified impacts are acceptable?

Please add an explanation if you wish

Our assessment of the priority proposals indicates that, in combination, the recommended schemes are likely to have a net beneficial effect on the level of other carbon and greenhouse gases emitted, particularly from active travel and public transport proposals.

Which of the following most closely aligns with your view on the assessment of climate change impacts?

Please add an explanation if you wish

Do you think there are any impacts we have overlooked, or have any other comments on the sustainability appraisal?

If yes, please add an explanation

Do you think the cost (approx. £4 billion) is broadly appropriate for a 10-year regional strategic investment plan*?

Please add an explanation if you wish

*Please note: we do not expect to be awarded block funding for the delivery of this full programme. Each individual proposal will be assessed on merit through the government's standard Business Case development process.